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56 Quick Hiking Hacks And Tips For Beginners

1. Understand Your Fitness Level

Your fitness level will help you understand the route to take and the level of preparation. Ensure that your diet is also in line with your type of hiking.



2. Pick a Trail

After understanding your level of fitness, pick a trail you wish to complete. Climate, altitude, and duration are important factors to consider.


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3. Hike with a Friend

It is safer to hike with a friend in case anything happens. It is also enjoyable when you share similar goals and achieve them together. 


4. Familiarize Yourself with the Map

Learn how to read a map and study it before you start hiking. Check the camping sites, highest passes, rivers along your trail, references, and highest peaks.


5. Check the Weather

Rain can definitely ruin an adventure. Check the rainy season of the place you want to hike in and use websites to check the weather forecast. 


6. Go Light

The lighter you go, the better your hiking experience will be. 


7. Invest in Quality Hiking Clothes

Quality hiking clothes, especially if you are going for mountain hiking. Quality hiking clothes will prevent cases of not being warm enough or your feet being wet.


8. Always Pack Your Raincoat

A raincoat is an essential hiking gear. When you are doing a high trail, a raincoat will protect you against wind and water.


9. Carry a Cap

You can opt for a hat or a sun cap depending on the weather.


10. Carry a Rain Cover for Your Backpack

A rain cover ensures that your hiking gear is protected in case it starts raining when you are hiking.


11. Avoid Cotton Clothing

Cotton is heavy, absorbs water, and takes longer to dry. Go for breathable garments when hiking.


12. Don’t Forget Any Necessity

Write a list of everything you will need for your checking. Cross-check everything on the list as you pack to avoid forgetting any important equipment.


13. Carry Light Food

Currently, it is easier to find dried tasty meals that you can have for lunch and supper. The secret is to go light.



14. Don’t Forget to Carry Your Snacks

Snacking is important during your breaks. It re-energizes your body before you take your main meals. Go for snacks that will boost your energy levels, like chocolate and energy bars. 


15. Carry Extra Food

Once you are aware how many days it will take when hiking, ensure that you carry at least one extra meal. The unexpected might happen and you can be forced to extend your hike. 

16. Drink Plenty of Water and Regularly

Ensure that you hydrate regularly, especially if you are hiking at high altitude.


17. Carry Water Purification Tablets

It may be difficult to find fresh water steams. Also, you may not be certain of the source of water that you are taking.


18. Rest Hourly Or Often

Ensure that you rest for five or 10 minutes every hour or so. Resting gives you a boost of energy and makes hiking enjoyable rather than bearable.


19. Have a Map, GPS, or Compass

 A map is fundamental, especially in cases where you are going to complete a multi-day route. You can also use GPS, hiking watch, or a compass.


20. Be Aware of Low Temperatures

Cold is mostly felt at night. Ensure that you have carried warm clothes and your sleeping bag should also offer warmth.


21. Don’t Forget Your Sunscreen 

Even on cloudy days, don’t forget to wear your sunscreen. Also, ensure that your lips are moisturized. Carry a lip balm while hiking.


22. Bring a First-Aid Kit

The phrase “better safe than sorry” applies in this scenario. Carry a basic first-aid kit in case of any accidents or injuries. Ensure that you are knowledgeable about basic first aid.


23. Begin with Shorter Routes

If you are set for multi-day hikes, make sure that you start and complete shorter routes first. It will help your body to adapt.


24. Pick Up All Your Garbage

Avoid littering while hiking. You should beware of the environment at all times. It is also important to ensure that you are clean.


25. Carry Your Camera

Your camera will help you capture your adventure. You will also learn and see beautiful places that you need to capture. You can also take pictures of beautiful landscapes and plants. 


26. Stretch Often

Ensure that you stretch from time to time. You can choose to stretch on a daily basis or multiple times a day. It helps relax your muscles. 


27. Take It Easy

It is not a race that you are doing. Therefore, relax and take it easy. Every person has their own rhythm. Ensure that you follow your own rhythm and don’t imitate the rhythm of other hikers. 

Find and follow your own pace, maintain regular breath, and keep going.


28. Motivate Yourself

Many are times when we think we cannot achieve something. There are times that we test our limits, especially when going beyond our comfort zones. Hiking is no different. You need to remind yourself that you can do it, even when faced with difficulties while hiking. 


However, if you feel you are unable to finish a trail, you can quit. Don’t be ashamed of quitting. 


29. Get Started

Find a nice trail, get your gear ready, and explore the mountain. The adventure awaits.


30. Wear Appropriate Gear

Hiking requires proper equipment. Long pants and the correct footwear are critical. Go for low heeled boots to avoid slipping.


31. Get Acquainted with Your Course

Research about the course before you start hiking as it helps if you are nervous or scared. Extend your research by reading reviews from previous hikers.


32. Hike with Confidence

Avoid being nervous as your body can sense it. Start slow and take deep breaths to gain confidence.


33. Don’t Slouch

Walk up straight and relax. Hiking is about relaxation and having fun. You don’t need to bend to hike faster. Walking upright makes it easy for you to have a better control of your body.


34. Relax Your Arms

Your arms should be relaxed when pulling yourself against rocks. If it’s done too hard, you may hurt yourself.


35. Avoid Holding the Wigs

Your balance should not come from holding the hiking stick. Stability is achieved by adjusting your posture, extending your leg, and holding it more gently.


36. Focus on Where You Are Going

Keep your eyes on the trail rather than the beauty of the mountains. It ensures that you have a safe trail hiking trip.


37. Stay in Tune with Your Mates

Remain calm and move your body in the rhythm of your mates. Don’t resist the rocking that comes from the movement.


38. Familiarize Yourself with Different Techniques 

Different hiking techniques are dependent on the style of learning.


39. You Can Just Walk

Walking is the steadiest and safest gait and should be your option, especially if it is your first time hiking.


40. Have a Thermal Jacket

Jackets do more than just keeping you warm. They are designed to prevent hypothermia.

Choose a jacket that is right for your weight and height. Ensure that you wear your jacket at all times when hiking in cold places.

41. Check the Weather Prior

Warm and sunny days are the best days to go for hiking. It may be hard to predict if a storm will occur. However, choppy water and varying gusts of wind can be used to predict an approaching storm. 


42. Don’t Overload the Bag

Ensure that you don’t carry excess equipment in your bag. Your bag’s restriction capacity should be followed at all times. Overloading can lead to unbalance.


43. Use Your Common Sense When Hiking

 It is important to use common sense. You should be alert at all times while hiking in the woods or mountains.


44. Take a Course 

Acquiring knowledge about hiking safety is important. You will be able to understand your role and responsibilities while hiking.


45. Get the Proper and Quality Gear

It will save you money because you will not need to replace your hiking gear. Renting hiking gear is expensive in the long run. Buying quality gear is a good investment, especially if you want to hike over time.


46. Buy What You Need

Avoid purchasing gear that you don’t need. It will save you money. Buy what you need and you can stock your gear over time. 


47. Find a Hiking Partner

Hiking becomes more fun when you do it with a friend. Find a friend who is interested in climbing as you may need a belay partner. 


48. Hike Routinely

Make hiking a routine by joining a class or a training group. It will ensure that you become serious about the workout.


49. Understand the Basics of Grades

Educate yourself about route grades or bouldering grades. It is important as it will help you navigate the gym and the crag. Additionally, you will understand your skills better. 


50. Ease Into Hiking

To avoid injuries, ensure that you ease into hiking. Hiking is tough on the body. Your body will require time to adapt to the stresses of climbing.


51. Warm Up Before Hiking

Find a basic warm up routine that you should do before each hiking session. It helps to limit injuries.


52. Improve Your Footwork

It is inevitable for beginners to start with terrible footwork. You can improve by practicing to make minimal noise while you hike. 


53. Learn from Watching Others

Learn how to move on the wall by looking at what strong hikers are doing. Pay close attention to their footwork, body placement, and how they hold the grips (aka) trekking poles.


54. Take Care of Your Calluses

You will develop calluses from hiking, which help to protect your skin and will help you climb. Ensure that you take care of your calluses as they can also deter you from hiking.


55. Have a Basic Training Plan

Have a structure and plan what time should be allocated for the activities. For example, 4 by 4s, volume climbing, footwork drills, and projecting.


56. Ask for Beta

Different hikers use different Beta. Beta is the strategy used to climb a route or a problem. You may have a bad beta and you should not be afraid to ask for input from others.