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Best Gear For A Prepper’s Bug Out Bag When SHTF Happens

The best gear for a bug-out bag should have all the necessary items you need to survive. A human being will require water, food, clothing, and shelter to survive. You need to have items that can allow you to build shelter, keep yourself safe and warm.

It depends on where you would like to go out surviving; if you intend to survive in a cold place, you need to be prepared with necessary items that can protect you against extreme cold.

It is also essential to check out the portability of the items you can carry. A bag out bag has limited space, and you need to have something you can carry easily. Here are some of the items that are very necessary for you to have in your bag out bag:



1. Having A Handy Flashlight


Having a simple, high powered quality flashlight can definitely come in handy if your ever on the move and need light, especially at night.


I can’t tell ya how many times I’ve gone without out or forgot to bring my trusty flashlight.  Sometimes its gets darker quicker in a deep forest or you might find a cool cave like structure that you might want to spend the night, and need to shine some light on the situation.

  I now always have a good flashlight with me in my “bug out bag” for emergency situations or if I have to get out real fast.  Having one can be used for signaling people where you are if you ever ended up in emergency situation.  That being said its a good idea to have one that is very bright and can be seen even for miles away or can be used to blind an intruder as well.



2. Non-perishable food

The best gear for a bug-out bag should have food. You would like to regain energy lost as you perform different exercises in the wilderness.


Carrying high-energy canned foods can help you access food when in need. Ensure the food you carry is of the highest quality. Consider the number of people you would like to accommodate in the survival arrangement before you can pack the food.




3. High-nutrition energy bars


Some ready-to-eat meals are prepared for people who spend a lot of time outdoors, such as soldiers. If you can get them, then it will be easy for you to enjoy the best experience.



The meals are packed with nutrients, and they are easy to carry. It will be easy for you to carry them around and enjoy your everyday survival situation.



4. Having A Solar Air Lantern (multiple uses)


The Original Solar Air Lantern can provide emergency lighting without relying on batteries, fuel or the need to plug it into the wall for power.

Just lay in the sun to charge – then inflate the lantern and enjoy hours of bright ambient light. Keep one in your car, at home, or in your bug out bag – the Original Solar Air Lantern can provide the backup light that you need!



5 . Carrying A Survival Belt-Knife (multiple uses)


You would like to forage for food when in a survival situation. To easily hunt for food, a field knife is essential. You can also use the knife for protection in case you are attacked when in the survival environment. Having a durable belt knife can be very handy, convenient and an item you don’t want to forget to keep in your bug out prepper bag!


Although trusted by the United States Military, this durable knife belt is also perfect for everyday practical uses such as hunting, fishing, camping, hiking…or simply whenever you need a razor sharp, dependable knife around the yard or home!





6. Water filtration system


When in a survival situation, you may like to utilize water available in the environment. You risk infection if you do not purify the water. Carrying a portable water filtration system will help you stay safe. Understand how the water filtration systems work before you can proceed to order.


Having a reliable system in place will assure you the best experience. There are some units that are easy to carry and use in any location. Try them and you will never regret.




7. Optic Fire Starter


Having an effective fire starter is an absolute must for keeping in your “bug out bag!”  Whenever you need to stay warm, cook food, boil water for drinking, being able to start a fire quickly can be a huge difference maker depending on the situation.

This clever tool is an invaluable little gadget that fits in your wallet and weighs next to nothing! When matches and lighters fail you, this nifty tool will become invaluable to help you start a fire when you need it most.

8. Chemical water purification tablets


Some tablets can be added to water to kill germs. You can make any water safe for drinking if you can carry such tablets. Ensure you carry them to your survival environment.


The tablets are very effective in treating water. Adhere to the dosage requirements and you will stay safe as you drink the water in the survival situation.



9. Collapsible water bag/bladder


A collapsible water bag allows you to carry extra water. For instance, the water purification tablets will allow you to have extra water. The bag will allow you to carry the water around so that you can drink when necessary.


There is need to carry water as you move to different location in your survival adventure. It is hard to survive without water for long. If you can have the bottles, then you will carry enough water to drink when necessary and stay hydrated.




10. Collapsible fishing kit


As a way of searching for food when in a survival situation, you can utilize a fishing kit. The kit makes it easy for you to search for water in your given area. Ensure you know how to use the kit before you can proceed to order.



There are several types of fishing kits in the market. It is advisable to compare the several kits available out there so that you can go for the best. Fish is a good source of protein that can help you survive for long.



11. Portable stove


You would like to cook food when outdoors. A portable stove is necessary to allow you to heat water or cook in any location. Check out the portability of the stove before you can carry it to your given survival situation.



The portable water stove is easy to start and use. If you do not like to spend a lot of time trying to start fire, then carry the stove and it will be a great way to get fire for cooking.



12. Shelter


You would have to protect yourself against the elements of weather. A prepper bag should have some items that can help you create shelter. Some of the items you will need to build shelter are as follows:



13. Lightweight tent


A lightweight tent can be set up in minutes. If it starts to rain when you are in the jungle, you can utilize the tent to create a shelter where you can protect your body against agents of extreme weather.


Ensure the tent is light enough so that you can carry it to your preferred survival location. It provides the necessary protection against elements of weather.



14. Sleeping bag


A sleeping bag is necessary to keep you warm at night. There are situations where you will have to spend several hours in the cold.



Having a sleeping bag in the bag out bag will be a great idea. Ensure the sleeping bag is lightweight for you to carry it around easily. It plays a great role in helping you stay comfortable during cold nights.


15. Ground pad


The ground can saturate with water or become too wet. The application of a ground pad is essential in keeping you warm.


Ensure you get the right size that can fit easily in the bag. Ensure the pad is of the highest quality so that it can serve you for long.



16. Emergency waterproof blanket


The prepper bag should have a waterproof blanket that you can apply to stay calm. It can be stressful if it starts raining when you are outdoors. The emergency waterproof blanket plays a significant role in keeping you warm.



You can always rely on the blanket to enjoy your outdoor stay. The blanket should be built in such a way it will keep you warm.



17. Hand warmers


Your hands can sometimes get too cold. To prevent frostbites, you can utilize hand warmers. They are carefully designed to make you stay active even in extreme cold.



Surviving in winter can be stressful if you do not have items that can keep your hands warm. The application of hand warmers makes it easy to stay active and perform different activities to keep you warm.


18. Clothes and shoes


You need extra clothes for different weather and shoes. If you are in a mountainous region, climbing shoes can be a great way to stay active. The shoes will also offer some form of protection. People are looking forward to surviving for long invest in the right clothing and shoes.



First Aid Kit


Accidents can occur when you are in a survival situation. It is good to carry a first aid kit that can keep you safe. Here are some of the items you will be required to have in the first aid kit:



19. Comprehensive first aid kit


Having a comprehensive first aid kit in your survival bag is very necessary. The first aid kit should be easy to use by all members of your team. If you are going out of survival alone, you should learn how the first aid kit works.


Some environments are known to have certain hazards, such as biting snakes, invest in the right emergency kit in such cases.



20. Antibacterial wipes and ointment


There is a risk of infection when you are spending a lot of time in the wilderness. Having a stock of antibacterial wipes and ointment can help in soothing the pain. They are also effective in protecting you against bacterial infection.



21. Condensed soap


Soap is necessary for fighting off infection. It can kill bacterial and viruses that can infect your body when exposed to different environments. You can stay safe by washing your hand regularly with soap and water.



When preparing your bag out bag, ensure you include all the items that will keep your body warm and protected. The items should make it easy to prepare fire and cook. There are different types of foods you can forage when in a survival situation.


Most of them will require you to cook well before heating. A way to start fire will be a great way for you to enjoy cooking food. Take time to check out the necessary items required in a survival situation and carry them. They make it easy for you to stay prepared for your survival situation.


A means to access clean drinking water is always essential to keep you safe in your survival endeavors.