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Here’s 14 Great Backpacking Tips For A Day Hike

1. Your Backpack

Bringing a nice size backpack to hold all your stuff is the first thing you’ll need when going for a day hike.  Generally depending on the day and where you are hiking you want us 15 to 18 L backpack good example would be the Osprey escapst 18L backpack or the hybrid backpack duffel bag that is great for beginner hikers and is very durable!  There is many backpacks out there and you can choose the one that’s right for you.





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2.  Buff or Bandana

Having a   buff or bandana is great for wiping sweat off your face or head using for your nose.

It can be used for multiple purposes. So having and bringing a buff or bandana is good for backpacking.



3. Sunglasses

Sun glasses is a fantastic item to always keep with you in your backpack sometimes you never know when you may need them. Sunglasses are really good for protecting your eyes if you’re out in the open and, especially,  if its a very sunny day, so it’s good to always have a pair of sunglasses in your backpack.  You never know when you might need them and it’s a great item to keep with you at all times.




4. Bringing A Handy Flashlight


Having a simple, high powered quality flashlight can definitely come in handy if your planning on going on a long day hike.

I can’t tell ya how many times I’ve gone without out or forgot to bring my trusty flashlight.  Sometimes its gets darker quicker in a deep forest or you might find a cool cave like structure that you might want to check along the way, and need to shine some light on the situation.   I love to explore, so for me, I now always have a good flashlight with me in my backpack.  Also if your still hiking when it gets dusk to dark out, then having a flashlight is a definite must. Plus having one can be used for signaling people where you are if you ever ended up in emergency situation.  That being said its a good idea to have one that is very bright and can be seen even for miles away. 




5. Having A Phone

Another simple but great item to always carry with you is your cell phone.  Having a phone is always good to have especially in an emergency situation.  Also as you’re going for a hike it’s great for taking pictures if you’re going up in the mountains or you’re going certain desert areas, are even in the forest, it’s great for making calls.

It’s great to use if you want to have a hiking app.  One of the most common hiking apps is the guthook app.  It’s great for using on your own personal hiking experience, and can give you information based on where you are for your hike.




6. Multiple Snacks

The fourth recommendation I would say to bring with you for a day hike is definitely going to be multiple snacks to bring with you on your backpacking adventure!  It’s always good to have some snacks with you for you day hike cause you never know when you may get hungry along the trail or when you need a  boost in protein.

Usually I will bring some form of protein bars or if I’m going to be going on a long day hike and think that I might get more hungry throughout the day I may bring a certain cans of tuna or bagels that have enough calories, carbs and protein.  That way I have enough food for the journey.




7. Ditty Bag

For the fifth suggestion I would say to always bring on your hiking and backpacking adventures is always going to be a ditty bag.  Now a  ditty bag  usually contains all your toiletries, first aid, a lighter, a flashlight or headlamp and a  small knife.  It’s a small bag that is great to always bring with you especially when you need it.  It’s a simple little bag that contains nice essential items for any trip.




8. 1-2 Liter Of Water

Usually when I go hiking for a day trip I will bring with me 1 to 2 liters of water and when it comes to water, I usually bring extra, just in case something were to happen, and I wasn’t able any water that I may need a long trail.  It’s a good rule of thumb to bring an extra pair or liter of water that you think you may not need, just in case to have as a backup and in case it is super hot that day.   You may need more water than you anticipated.  Also when it comes to water, it is more important than food and staying hydrated is one of the most important things when you’re going out on a long day hike.





9. Water Filter

All that being said it is a great idea to always bring some form of water filter.  And a dirty water bag to fill up with.  Now in my experience I usually would never have to use a water filter for just a day hike but it’s a great idea to bring with you just in case you end up staying longer or for some reason you don’t have enough water to drink.  Then you definitely want to have a water filter.  If you can find a source of water.



It’s just a simple but very essential item to always bring with you on any hike in your backpack.  It will ensure that in case something went wrong and you don’t have enough water to drink then you’re able to find water from a certain source you can filter and drink, especially in an emergency situation or for some reason you run out of your water supply for that day and are dehydrated and need water.




10. Thermal Back-up Jacket

No matter where I go, how hot it is that day or what’s going on, I always bring some form of thermal jacket to always keep me warm.  Just in case I end up staying longer that day or it gets colder than I anticipated.  Having a thermal jacket is a fantastic idea to ensure your body stays warm regardless of what happens that day.  It’s a good rule of thumb to always keep a thermal jacket in your backpack.

Whether it’s a day hike or a week-long hike.  It’s better to always be prepared for the unexpected and it’s an essential item, just like water to have.

  Also depending on where you are backpacking, the weather can change unexpectedly or drop in temperature depending on where you are that day.  For me even if I know it’s going to be super warm that day,  I still as an essential item, bring it to always have with me.



As you just never know, plus too, if your backpacking and you decide to go swimming in a lake and you end up getting a little chilly and need a thermal jacket to warm up, well then that’s perfect.  At the end of the day it’s a great essential item to always bring with you for hiking.




11. Wind Or Rain Jacket

Bringing a simple wind or rain jacket is a great idea!  Just in case once again the weather changes or it starts to rain and you need to keep yourself and your backpack gear dry.  Whether it’s a simple Poncho that you just bring just in case you may need it is a great idea if it starts to rain or it gets really windy and you need to keep the wind off your body to keep you from getting cold. 

It is a great idea to always bring with you cause once again you never know what can happen with the weather and depending on where you are hiking, things can change quicker than you realize.  So it’s always good to be prepared with the essential items that you can bring for any day hike.




12. Trekking Poles (Optional)

Trekking poles is a great item to bring with you for your day hike.  Now it’s really up to you whether you want to have trekking poles or not.  The good trekking poles to bring, are the ones that fold up.  So that way in case you don’t want to use them you can just keep them in your backpack or the sides your backpack.

I wouldn’t say there an essential item but they are nice to have for some people that enjoy using them and can make the hike more enjoyable at the end of the day.  Bringing trekking poles are more up to you whether you want to bring them or not on your journey.  For me I choose to perhaps bring them, especially if it’s going to be a longer hike that day or perhaps I’m going uphill a lot and they can really come in hand to use for going uphill




13. Bringing Your Camera

The 11th thing I would say to bring is a nice camera that you take pictures with when you go on a day hike I like to take pictures of cool places that I adventure to check out.  It’s a great thing to bring if you like to take photos of cool places on your adventures.




14. Extra Pair Of Socks

I can’t tell you how many times having an extra pair of socks can make a difference for your feet and for your backpacking experience.  Depending on the day and if you get really sweaty and sometimes changing out your socks can really be a difference-maker for keeping your feet fresh and dry and from getting blisters.

Sometimes having this next a pair of socks to put over your old socks, can provide more protection and cushion for your feet.  It’s a great item to bring with you for your hiking.  Also if it happens to be real rainy or muddy that day and your boots and socks get really wet or soaked.




Then being able to change out your socks can help to make a slight difference, plus there’s nothing I can’t stand more than having Stinky sweaty feet and thinking  it would be nice to have a change of socks.  So having an extra pair of socks is a great idea for your day hike plus you can  use your socks as a pouch to put or carry things in from your trip if you prefer.  So that being said, is a great item to bring for your day trip.



Going out for a day hike is a great way to get out and enjoy the outdoors.  It’s a lot of fun and you can explore cool places, depending on where you go.  Sometimes there’s a lot to see and you want to be ready and prepared so that you can enjoy the journey and not worry about what you didn’t bring.  I hope these fourteen hiking tips and ideas will help you along your backpacking journey!