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List Of Prepper Garden Food Ideas For Survival

 The prepper garden indicates that you have grown the food that will be sustainable to feed through the current growing season and the months that follow the harvest period. This process aims at getting to the point of producing most of the food from the pepper garden.



However, the operation of the achievement of the goal has been somehow interesting. Buying foodies from specialty shops and the local grocery stores offer a variety of delights and tastes. However, these foodies brought about the side effects to the consumers as follows and thus the need for the prepper gardens.


  • Exhibition of the severe reactions to the suns towards certain foods or/ and the food additives.

  • This point leads to the trigger of the research concerning the consumed food.

  • The research leads to improved ways of saving money.

  • It necessitated the research on the different lifestyles of the food, thus the journey to the macrobiotic lifestyle.

In the process of overcoming the hurdles, a clean method of eating emerged. The eating can be termed as the vegan and the vegetarian commonly found on the vocabulary of the food.

Therefore, the vegan refers to the person who avoids foods like eggs, dairy animal products, and any other kind of animal product. On the other hand, a vegetarian is a person who avoids fish, meat, and poultry.

The emergence of the prepper garden necessitates a new way of eating. According to the care and the maintenance employed on the prepper garden, it can sustain the user for years. It offers the best quality food product that does not come with chemicals and are fresh for human consumption.

Out of curiosity, it leads to the renovation of the new and high-quality organic fruits and vegetables. 



(Practical Plans for the Prepper Garden)


Determine the type of fruit or veggies that you mostly buy from the store



In planning the prepper garden, the main aim is to feed your family or yourself for an extended period. Determine planning for the fruits and the veggies for the regular survival or the diet. Therefore, this facilitates playing with the different things that promote your family’s survival for an extended period.



On the list that you prepared, determine the most conducive food for long-term storage. However, you can opt for the variety in the freezer, like the peas, beans, and carrots. If the garden produces the tomatoes, determine canning, frozen tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, and the tomato sauce as a preservation method.

Planting the potatoes and the onions is a good idea as it can preserve for excellent long conditions or the root cellars.




Use The Vegetable Companion In The Process Of The Garden Layout Of The Planting.

It would be best if you determined the layout of the companion rules in the planting. Proper planning of the structure facilitates the vigor growth of the veggies as they encourage each other to be firm and strong enough.



Consider The Soil Testing Process


Healthy soil offers the production of balanced nutrition, thus improving the level of output. The testing of the ground provides with the sound decision of the type of the plant to plant.

Suppose you place the plant on the wrong soil ph the level of the production decreases. The plant placed on the good and the fertile soil produces abundantly.



Learn For the Proper Canning of the Vegetables and the Fruits


Look for the sources that guide on the appropriate ways of the home preservation techniques. Canning is one of the methods outlined in the guide. Therefore, maximize the use and the reading of the book or the manual. You get equipped with the super easy procedure of food preparation and prepping.




Prepare For the Area Pests or/ and the Bugs


Every area experiences a particular type of bug and a pest. Some of the bugs that quickly invade your farm are the squirrels and the rabbits. In this case, teach the native of the bug to develop the most effective methods of their control.




As your intended prepper garden meant for your family’s survival for an extended period, maximize on the above tips. This will result in long-term food storage, thus minimizing the frequency of going to the grocery.

Your health improves as the food grows with minimum application of the chemicals or the preservatives. You can also opt for the direct taking of the vegetables from the garden and cooking, thus feeding on the fresh vegetables and the fruits.




Determining the Growth in the Local Region


The species of the plant growing in the various areas differ in most cases. This is the case as the variety of the fruits growing in multiple regions varies for the fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

The factor of the climate is therefore very vital while planning for the prepper garden for survival. On the same point, determine the amount of sunshine that you receive.

Rays of the sun are essential in the process of the growth of any crop. Some of the prepper crops require a higher amount of sunshine compared to the others.

Therefore, if you place to experience a minimal amount of sun rays or at all, nothing can perform on it.



Determine the Process of the Growing and the Amount of Space Required


If you can keenly inspect your compound, there is a lot of space that requires maximum utilization. However, with the limited space available, you can opt for the placement of the plants on the gallon buckets that offer a good platform for the growth of the tomatoes.

These can attach to the top of the roofs firmly to reduce the chances of injury in case of a fall. The critical thing that worth consideration at this point is regular maintenance measures like watering, spraying, weeding, and pruning if the need arises.




(Operation of the Survival Garden)


In the survival garden, most people prefer growing the food that adds taste or looks good. In the planning and the managing of the survival garden, the main aim is earning survival, as the name indicates.

Therefore, any other plant placed in the garden should have a purpose that does deviate from the goal. The fact is that you require veggies for survival. A vegetable comes on the diverse, providing many of the nutritional benefits. It is usual for children or yourself rebelling from the same for the potatoes and squash. At the same point, you require vitamin C.

Therefore, add some fruits for the pantry pandemic. Consider the herbs for medicinal purposes and the flavor of the food.


As mentioned earlier, the small gardener can go for the free shading and the hanging of the containers. These processes cannot hold a heavy or oversized amount of materials. For the freshly planted potatoes, use the grow bags for maximum production.

However, if you have a spacious yard, you must be fortunate. Prepare the raised beds that are an excellent option.

The raised bed is not necessary as you can plant your plants on the land. If you desire to produce the crops that climb, ensure the adequacy of the space for the maximum production of these crops. According to the total size of the plant, determine where the large plants will be located. For the remaining space, fill it with the shorter plants.

In the case of the leafy that does well on the shades of the trees, plant them as the last plants on the space that remains.




Guide for the Planning Of the Crops in the Survival Garden


Before we plan for the survival garden, make sure that you plant what you eat and best love most. The effectiveness of the survival garden determines your love for the plant placed on the garden. If you do not love the plant and thus grows it for beauty purposes, it is as good as wasting your effort on it.

Take the preferences of the people who benefit from the intended survival garden. Let us say one loves this, and the four hates provide for the minimal space for that plant and maximize the one that the whole family loves. In terms of the survival garden, you need the following factors on the selected type of plant.


· Nutrition

· Calories

· Storage


Calories and the Nutrition


The nutritional recommendation requires a given amount of calories in a day for basic survival. If you get fewer amounts than you need, your body feels sleepy, shaky, or unmotivated.

Foods comprising high levels of sugars and starchy have a high level of calories, thus maximally contributing to your diet.

However, these foods might lack the nutritional aspect that your body requires. Consider balancing the diet by planting fruits, vegetables, and legumes to provide essential minerals, proteins, and vitamins.






Your survival garden might produce many amounts of the produce. However, the effort fall in vain if you do not have adequate preservation measures.

There are many ways to store the farm produce according to the type of crop. If you can, freezing is the best overall process of preservation.

Some of the vegetables can canned for future consumption in the pressure canner. Lacto-fermentation or dehydration offers a good vegetable storage option. For the strawberries, make the juice or the strawberry jam.




The Best Types of Survival Foods for the Prepper



Beans offer the staple option of the important staple food crop. The beans provide the body with a high level of nutrition in the small package. Beans can grow on a pole or the bushy forms. These seeds are dense in the status of the protein.

The edible pod varieties are superb. It is wise to make a section of the pole beans and another section of the bush beans. Ensure that you pick on the mix of the fresh and the storage beans. Consider saving on some of the valuable seeds of the beans after the season of the harvesting for the planting of the other type of the crop.




Corn is a yard staple, but it is a more complex plant growing in the apartment. Sweet flour corn, corn, and dent corn are the perfect option for the survival garden. Suppose the corn is ready for harvesting dry and nixtamalize for the improved level of nutrition and later grind into the corn flour.

The ground corn flour requires preservation on the airtight container. The advantage of corn is that it can plant on the trellis of the bean plants. In incorporating the corn plant with the beans, produce it first and then plant the beans a few inches from the stacks on the cornstalk around the plant.

The soil needs to be rich enough to support the growth of both types of crops. As the beans grow, they climb on the stalks of the corn stacks.





Both summer and winter squash are plentiful at the end of the world garden. However, both of the plants are a good option for planting.

Summer squash grows typically at a very high speed, providing the food source within a short period.

The summer squash takes longer for growth and development but can preserve for more extended periods undamaged.

If you can, plant the seeds at the same period. If you cannot produce the seeds simultaneously, plant the winter corn first around the beans, thus making the three sisters veggie garden. In the standard cases, squash acts as the ground cover for the natural sprawling.




Cabbage has a meager amount of calories but has a high amount of the nutrients required by your body. It has a high level of fiber content and is a perfect source of vitamin C and B6.

It is a good option regardless of whether the cabbage used, either raw or cooked, can imply for the survival crop as can use for the kimchi or sauerkraut or any other type of the fermentation you opt for. It can operate on sandwiches, soup, on top of the sausage, and the casseroles in the fermented form.




Potatoes are a good option during the drought seasons. The process of growing the plant is straightforward. It mainly suits the urban settings. The potatoes can be planted on the grow bags or the five-gallon bucket.

If you notice that the top of the leaves browning or yellowing, the plant is ready for harvesting. Potatoes are good sources of carbohydrates, vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin B6. The Yukon Golds and the Norland Reds offer sustenance during the tough times hence a good plant for the survival garden.




Kale adapts to all the weather and the climates around the whole year. It is highly tolerant to the cold and tastes sweet, along with the frost kiss.

In the higher levels of the summer, kale becomes bitter. The bitterness reduces with the frequent watering. It is, however, a super food along with the other plants in the survival garden.



Sweet Potatoes

The sweet potatoes should never mix with the Irish potatoes, as they are very different crops. They have a very high level of calories, and the status of the nutrients is higher than the Irish potatoes.

The marvelous flavor facilitates the easy transformation to both sweet and savory applications. The greens of the sweet potatoes are very edible.

Tube roots can placed on one garden and the green leafy plants on the other one. Although the plant takes a long to mature, they are worth the extended time it taken.




In most cases, lentils’ nondescript usually is underrated, and that should not be the case. They offer a high protein level for almost or more than eighteen grams of proteins per serving. It is one of the world’s healthiest food crops.

The crop requires an addition to the stash of the survival garden. These are the oldest plants to be cultivated and are suitable for stew and soups. They are the best in the curries and do well on the cooked salads from the lentils.

They properly absorb the other flavors in the blending and become a pair on anything used on them. They offer good storage of protein.




Onions usually add flavor to everything placed on them, along with the added level of nutrition. They add an extra ton of calorie content.

The leaves of the young plant of the onion act as the onion, and so do a fully mature onion. Only make sure that not all of the leaves have harvested and lower the development level of the bulb. Other related types of plants are the leeks for the additional flavor.