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Survival Food And Meal Ideas For A Prepper

Are you a survivalist who spends much of his time out in the wilderness? Could it be that you are prepping for an impending calamity? If you answered either question in the affirmative, you are on the right page. Here, we shall reveal to you the leading prepper foods that may come to your rescue at such times.


Then, we shall also give you a little bit more information about how to eat well,  and the kinds of foods that may be safe for your consumption. We do this in the full realization that you should have a great time at your campsites or when navigating natural calamities.






#1: Pasta & Red Sauce


When the tomato or the sauce is dried and powdered, it makes for great use when the times are harsh. The dried nature prevents mold from forming while also seeks to preserve the foods for longer durations. Combine these two with some little fat and meat before serving.



#2: Macaroni & Cheese


Planning to retreat to the campsite with a loved young one? The cheese and the macaroni will do good for you. These two recipes are loved by small children.

They also have the added benefits of being canned and hence easier to transport and store.



#3: Potatoes Au Gratin


Potatoes are great sources of starch and carbs. You can never claim to be suitably prepared for camping without incorporating them in your survival food collections. Potatoes go hand in hand with cheese, milk, yogurt, and sour cream. See to it that you pack and carry them while on the move.



#4: Toppings


The foods in and of themselves are never sufficient for your camping or prepping exercises. You need to top them to allow for better and comprehensive tastes. Examples of the toppings you may look up are oils, spices, dried tomato, and red sauces.



#5: Prepper Pizza


Love some fast foods? The prepper pizza might be a great one to think of. It is pizza that is nonetheless intended for consumption in harsh and enduring terrains. The pizza is dried and subsequently lasts longer owing to its limited predisposition to get stale too readily.



#6: Basic Flour Tortillas


Just like potatoes, the tortillas are also great sources of carbohydrates and starch. These two nutrients channel the body with the energy and vitality it needs to stay strong and enduring. You need not settle on a tortilla that is too heavy. Just a basic one will sufficiently do.



#7: Bread


Bread is perhaps the most common and widely consumed source of starch. It has the added advantage of being easier to bake in the comfort of the home. You can never lack a reason not to incorporate it in your camping and prepping undertakings hence.



#8: Basic stew


No meal is complete without the stew in place. That is why you must also think of how to incorporate the stew in your meal collections. To manage this, you will require a flask or hot pot that preserves the heat of the meals. Be sure to tighten the hot pots to prevent the escape of heat.

Could Potential Food Disaster Strike Again…




#9: Creamy soups


The cream has the ability to enhance the taste of every food we partake in. That is why it is also important that you make extensive use of it. The good news is you do not have to purchase ready-made cream. It is in fact possible for you to improvise your own and make use of the same.



#10: Canned or dried chicken


That chicken is a great source of protein is certainly not in doubt. Its canned variant is also great and awesome for remote locations as it has a longer shelf life. You should never hence shy away from acquiring and incorporating it in your food collection as you prep to survive.



#11: Canned or dried veggies


Vegetables provide plenty of vitamins. When canned, they (dried foods) also last longer and guarantee prolonged nourishments. The failure to consume vegetables may bring about scurvy and other vitamin-deficient illnesses. That is why you have to pack many of them with you along the way.



#12: Cornmeal mush


Cornmeal mush is a great breakfast meal that silences the growling stomachs and keeps you feeling full as you start your day. It comes packed and loaded with preservatives.

Thus, it is a good meal to set your eyes on if you want to stay in good shape each morning when at a campsite.



#13: Spotted pup


The spotted pup is basically rice that is mixed with some sweet flavor and which may be served as dinner, breakfast, or dessert. This fast food is easier to digest and at the same time does not overload your body with excess calories. What’s more? It may also be seasoned with the vanilla flavor!



#14: Soda biscuits


These are homemade biscuits that are prepped using baking soda and wheat flour. They mainly serve as confectionaries in between any two consecutive meals. To make it, just dip the biscuits in the syrup and then bake the same to dry and preserve it.



#15: Potato cakes


Other than being used in stews, potatoes may also be baked into cakes. The baking process preserves their tastes and nutritional values while at the same time prolongs their lives. If you so wish, you may also incorporate the eggs, milk, and other vital ingredients as you make it.



#16: Mormon Johnnycake


Mormon Johnnycake takes the appearance and the character of the standard pancake. It however contains cornmeal. This is full of fluff and some added stew or soup. The fluff is what gives you the feel full effect that ultimately lets you stay full for longer.


#17: Jerky Gravy


This is a combination of meat jerky and some gravy. The jerky is a great source of protein whereas the gravy adds some flavor and pleasant appearance to the meal altogether. Jerkies are awesome because they are dried and subsequently last longer than the normal meats.


#18: Hasty pudding


Puddings are great sources of vitamins and antibodies owing to the extensive amounts of fruits. The pudding is administered immediately after a meal and serves to add some vitamins to the body. Wrap the pudding in aluminum foil and clear plastic to preserve its moisture contents.



#19: Cured bacon


Cured bacon was long consumed by pioneers in the Wide Wild West. It was cured and wrapped in Aluminum foils to prevent the same from going bad too soon. The bacon is a great breakfast meal that also furnishes the body with plenty of fat that is handy when it is too cold.



#20: Corned beef


As its name suggests, this is beef that is manufactured by infusing and incorporating some corn. It thus serves as a source of both starch and proteins.

The starch is provided by the corn whereas the protein is furnished by the beef component. See to it that you preserve it tightly to prevent it from getting bad sooner.



#21: Corn dodgers


Corn dodgers are typically rounded bits of cornbread that may either be eaten raw or served alongside the chili or stew. This meal provides both carbohydrates and proteins. The chili topping is good for those who would wish to enjoy a variety of tastes other than the ordinary ones.



#22: Baked rice and beans


It is no secret that the combination of rice and beans is a great meal. Not only is it light but also is it easier to digest. Then, the rice provides the carbs, beans the proteins and the oil, the fat. Being baked also prolongs the lifespan of the food to ensure the longevity of use and consumption.



#23: Tuna


If you reside along with a coastal city, tuna is a recipe you can never wish away. This wonderful meal is loaded with sufficiently high amounts of proteins. Its taste is also awesome and revitalizing. Ensure that you can and package it well if you hope to leverage it for longer.



#24: Spaghetti


Spaghetti is great and delicious. This meal is very light but is nonetheless loaded with an extremely high number of carbs. It is a meal that you administer while on the go.

Of course, you can never rely on the meal as the main course. This is something you just want to carry along and consume as a snack.



#25: Spam


Rounding up the list of the wonderful meals is spam. This is a delicious, versatile, and readily available snack. Moreover, you may also combine it with fried rice, egg sandwich, instant noodles, and musubi. In this regard, it may also serve as a comprehensive meal.



NATURAL HERBS, PLANTS, AND FOODS That You Can Find In The Wild For Food:



To stay healthier while in the remote campsites and wilderness areas, you have to consume some natural herbs, plants, and foods. How possible is this without you knowing about them? We now list and explain these herbs for your consideration:





This plant grows worldwide and is hence readily available just about anywhere. You will thus come across it in many places and areas. Because of this, the task of finding it will never be really that difficult not to mention being on the whole cheaper to accrue.





Dandelion may be eaten raw or boiled. Moreover, it may also be boiled and then drunk. On the whole, the herb does give off some nutritious ends and benefits to the body. Many who have already administered it have hailed it as nutritious as natural tea.





Chicory has some edible leaves and roots that may be converted to a tasty stew. It stands apart from the other herbs of its kind in that it may be blended with other stews and meat. On the strength of this, you have a vast array of places and settings where you may apply it to.



Just if you want to survive in the wild but are wondering where to draw your foods and calories from, fret not. There are many places and areas that may give you the food you need. Here now we identify these areas and explain how they may help your course:


Looking out in the wild


Start by looking out in the world. Most of these plants grow out in the wild and may hence be readily found there. Be very careful when in the wild though as there are many wild animals that lurk there and which may pose some harms and injuries to you.



Growing some wild varieties


If you have the time, land, and resource base, you may also think of growing some wild varieties. This of course will require much skill, effort, and time on your part. Moreover, there is usually the trick of finding the best-suited variety for the climate you may be in.



Purchases from a relevant market


Lastly, of course, you may also think of purchasing the right variety from a relevant market. The beauty of this approach is that you do not have to pay a visit to the market on your own. Instead, you just have to download a relevant app and place an order at the comfort of your home.




As you partake of your foods, there are things you have to adhere to if you want to maintain your health in the best shapes and forms. In this last segment, we now highlight some tips that have been noted to yield forth consistent outcomes.


Consume less salt


You should always strive to consume less salt. Too much salt does raise your blood pressure considerably. This may in turn predispose you to the risks of heart attacks or diabetes. It may also worsen some of the pre-existing conditions that your body may already have.



Cut down on sugar and fat


Sugar and fat are no-go zones for your body. Sugar may spoil your teeth, raise your blood pressure and even worsen a couple of underlying conditions. Fat on the other hand is not good for your heart and the blood circulatory systems. It constricts the otherwise smooth flow of blood to the uttermost parts of the body.



Consume lots of white meat


White meat is a whole lot better than red meat. It is easier to digest and also contains fewer calories. This notwithstanding, it also comprises higher levels of nutrients that ultimately go a long way in enriching the body in its entirety. The oily fish stands out as the premier white meat to try out.



Forget not the fruits and vegetables


Fruits and vegetables must never miss on your table. Fruits provide you with lots of vitamins while vegetables are good for your blood and the immune system. Common examples of fruits and vegetables that may be great for the job are kales, spinach, cabbages, apples, oranges, pineapples, and guavas.



Incorporate lots of fiber and starch


Fiber and starch do aid with the digestion of food and the ‘feel full’ effects. Due to this, you should never leave them out in your diet plans. Instead, you want to incorporate lots of it into your diet plans. Mangoes, pineapples, and dark green leafy vegetables particularly contain lots of fibers.



Prioritize the breakfast


Breakfast is by far the most important meal of the day. You should therefore treat it as such. It ought to be heavy, properly balanced, and taken consistently. When administered consistently throughout, the breakfast does give the body the strength, energy, and support it needs to stay healthy and strong.



Drink plenty of water


Water dehydrates the body, cools it, and aids with metabolism to name but a few! You should hence see to it that you drink lots of water on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, you are strongly advised to drink no less than 8 glasses of water per day, if you are an adult.



Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!


Of course, exercising is not food. However, eating and exercising go hand in hand. As part and parcel of your healthy eating regimes, you also have to exercise consistently to aid with the digestion of food and staying fit. Be sure to put in place a firm exercising regime and adhere to it strictly as a plausible way forward.



There you have them! As a survivalist or prepper, you definitely have the kinds of insights that may help you to navigate your camping and survival undertakings. As a great way forward, you need to plan early and chart your course well in advance. That is the only way you may do a great job.

Generally, we recommend that you prepare all the means and package their way before you embark on a campsite. That not only cuts down the time needed to settle in your new area but also gives you the freedom to do a better cooking job.