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Wilderness Survival Skills Guide For Camping During Any Weather Conditions

When in the wilderness, there are several things you need to do so that you can survive. For instance, you need to protect your body against cold. In both cold regions and deserts, cold at night is an issue you should be concerned about.

It is also essential to ensure you have enough water so that you can stay hydrated. If you fail to stay hydrated, there are high chances you will end up in a worse state. Food is also an issue you should think about. There are cases where you end up  unprepared, and you have to survive while camping. In such a case, you need to know the right tips that you can apply so that you can survive.


If you plan to go for a camping, survival expedition in the wilderness, you need to plan well and carry enough food and water that can help you survive.

(Top Cold Weather Survival Tips)


When in a cold region or during winter, there are several things you should do. First, you should ensure you protect your body against frostbites. People looking forward to enjoying their survival ensure they are warm. You can do several things to stay warm; for example, you can wear warm clothes or opt for warm shelters.



Luckily, ice has insulation capabilities. If you know how to make an Eskimo-like shelter, it will be easy for you to survive in the cold region. Here are some of the tips you can apply to survive in the cold:



Prepare well and carry a winter survival kit.


The first step you should take towards surviving in cold weather is to carry the right survival kit. You will be required to carry proper clothing and home supplies you will need to survive during the cold outdoor weather. You are supposed to carry winter car kits in case you would like to travel by your car to the cold regions.



Be Prepared To Deal With Frostbites


You are at high risk of developing frostbites if you are going to survive in the jungle. You will be required to carry enough warm clothing that will keep you warm. Carry necessary first aid kits just in case you have been affected by frostbites. If you can stay prepared, it will be easy for you to enjoy your outdoors.



Protect Your Body Heat


Your body’s heart will play a significant role in your survival. If you would like to avoid the adverse effects of losing too much heat, you should take every necessary step to preserve the body heat.



Ensure you wear warm clothing that will contribute towards keeping you warm. Carry enough warm clothes that will keep you warm as you try to shelter in the cold. To protect your precious body heat, you should dress in layers. Layers are necessary for protecting your body heat, and they will require sweating.



You should try as much as possible to avoid too much sweating. When you sweat too much, there are high chances you will lose the necessary body heat, and it will expose you to extreme cold that is not good for your body.



When planning for a cold wilderness survival situation, it is essential to ensure you carry enough warm clothing so that you can wear them to keep warm. If you can keep warm, then you will avoid the adverse effects of too much exposure to cold.



Avoid Too Much Sweating


When you sweat a lot, the body will experience too much moisture. A lot of moisture on your body can lead to extreme colds. You can avoid too much sweating by wearing clothes in layers. The several layers will trap air and help in regulating your body temperature.



You will likely stay for long in your survival situation if you can get clothes that are known to retain enough heat. Take your time to research around so that you can get the right clothing that will keep your body warm and safe.


Use Snow As Shelter


Snow acts as an insulator. If you are looking for a way you can create shelter, you can apply snow on your make-shift shelter. It is the perfect insulation; it will provide the necessarily required insulation that will keep your home warm.



When you are in the cold, and you would like to survive for long, you should ensure you create a shelter where you can protect your body against extreme colds.



You can easily protect your body against extreme colds if you can get materials with some insulation properties. Applying snow can be a great way to keep your shelter protected from extreme colds.


Avoid Eating Snow


You may be tempted to eat snow as a way of rehydrating. It is dangerous to eat snow if you have been stranded in a cold region. The snow will increase the rate of heat loss from your body when you swallow it. It is advisable to melt the snow outside your body before you can start drinking water.



There are several ways you can melt the snow. If you can create fire, it will be a great idea because you can heat the snow to create warm water and then drink it.

Drinking warm water when you are stranded outdoors is a great idea. It will contribute towards making you regain the lost heat as you were left outdoors.



Avoid alcohol when in a cold survival situation.


There is a myth where people believe drinking alcohol can warm you. You should avoid any attempt to drink alcohol. It will lead to more heat loss. Plus, when you drink alcohol, it will lower your decision-making capability.



Remember, when you are in a survival situation, you should make the right judgments. When you drink too much alcohol as a way of keeping warm, you are not keeping warm but rather reducing your sensitivity.


At first, you may feel like you are not feeling extreme colds. But the alcohol will make you lose the sense of making the right judgment, and it can easily affect you in the long run.



Stay Hydrated


When in severe cold, you can suffer the same fate as someone who is in a place with too much heat. Rehydration is essential if you would like to survive in the cold region.


Even if it is hard to carry enough water that can last you for the entire survival period, you should consider methods that can allow you to purify water in your given location then drink it. It will be better to drink warm water if you can melt snow.



Stay In One Place If Possible


You should consider staying in one place if possible. You may be tempted to wander around. Sometimes when surviving in snow, the storm can be too strong. Instead of wasting precious energy to move from one location to the other, you can stick in one place and wait for help.



If you can get a satellite phone, then it will be easy to signal for help. Ensure you stay in one place so that the rescuers can track your signal to the same location and rescue you.



Items To Carry In Winter Survival


You are supposed to carry several items if you would like to survive in a cold environment easily. First, you should think of items to keep you warm. Carrying enough clothes to layer up is one of the factors you should take into consideration.



It is also essential to consider how you will make fire and a form of shelter to protect you against extreme colds. If the place where you intend to stay has hostile wild animals, then having a form of personal protection gear will be a great way to go about it.


Here are some of the items you should carry if you would like to survive in cold regions easily:



Buy Winter Clothing


There is specific winter clothing you can buy. The clothes come in layers that will offer the necessary protection against cold. In winter, you will tend to struggle with cold weather. If you can get a pair of winter clothes, then you will be better off to survive.



Get A Pair Of Thick Socks


You will have to protect your feet when walking on thick ice. The snow can easily expose your feet to extreme colds, and the cold will make you suffer from frostbites.


To avoid the risk of frostbites, ensure you get thick socks.



Gloves And Mittens


Having warm gloves or mittens will be a great way to protect your fingers from frostbites. It will be hard to hold items in your cold region, ensure you invest in comfortable gloves or mittens, and it will contribute towards keeping you warm as you spend time outdoors.



Get Beanies And Winter Hats


Buying winter hats is very necessary. As you try to survey in falling snow, you would like to get some form of protection against the falling snow.


Get a pair of beanies or winter hats, and they will play a significant role in making you enjoy staying in the outdoor environment.



Thermal Gaiters


They are essential in covering your neck, head, and face. Remember, as you spend more time outdoors, the cold weather will start affecting you.



You will avoid losing too much heat if you can have the right materials to cover up. Other items you will need include ChapStick, tissue packs, hand warmers, all-weather blankets, and a waterproof bag.



(Tips For Surviving In Hot Desert Situations)


There are several things you are supposed to do so that you can survive in the hot desert. First, ensure you invest in the right gear to survive in the desert.


Hot deserts tend to be too hot during the day, and at night, you will experience extreme colds. Ensure you have a way you can get water, food, and shelter. There are some places where you will have to deal with hostile wild animals.



It is good to invest in survival gear that will protect you against hostel wild animals in such a case. Here are some of the survival tips you can employ to survive in the hot desert:



Inform other people where you are


You can end up being stranded for several days in the desert. To survive in the desert for long, ensure you invest in a GPS mobile phone, and it will play a significant role in allowing you to ask for help. Even if you have a phone, the phone can make multifunction.



Ensure you start by telling other people close to you of places where you plan to spend. It will be easy for them to kick start your search in case you are not responsive.



Avoid Direct Sunlight


In desert survival, you will be exposed to too much sunlight. Ensure you keep covered to avoid cases where the sun will affect your skin.


Remember, too much exposure to UV rays is harmful to your health. If you can keep it covered, you will avoid cases where the extreme cold will affect your survival. The heat will also lead to high levels of dehydration.



Look for a shade where you can shelter from direct heat. You can use trees or look for a cave where you will avoid the direct heat. Wear sunglasses or goggles so that you can protect your eyes against extreme colds.



Carry Enough Water


If you would like to survive for few days, then you need to plan and carry enough water. In a hot desert, you will experience sweat, and there are risks of dehydration. In a hot desert, human beings can lose up to 900ml of water.



Ensure you carry enough water and try to avoid direct heat. You can shelter under shades. You can also carry water purification materials that you can apply, and it will play a great role in your survival experience.



Pack Enough Food


You would like to eat as you survive. Ensure you pack enough food, but you should avoid eating it the right way in your survival situation.



There is a risk of running out of eater if you can end up eating a lot of food. Eat just enough food to survive. In a survival situation, you will not get enough food.


It will be necessary to ensure you eat just enough food to avoid cases where you will end up wasting a lot of food to an extent where you will have to struggle to get food.



Try And Restrict Your Travel To Nighttime


You will tend to sweat a lot in a hot desert if you can keep walking during the hot day. You can reduce the risk of sweating too much if you can switch to moving at night. Spend the daytime relaxing in the shade.


You can look for a rock outcrop and shelter below it so that you can avoid too much heat. If you can shelter in the hot sun, and walk at night, then you will survive for several days in a desert. It would help if you tried to preserve as much water and energy as possible.



In such a case, you will be required to avoid walking during the daytime and relax. At night, you can cover more distance. Ensure you know whether you are headed as you walk at night. It is essential to have a compass, and it will allow you to reach a safe destination.



Carry Warm Clothing For Chilly Nights


In the desert, the nights can be too cold. You should be prepared for such eventualities. For instance, if you plan to walk at night to preserve energy, you should consider carrying warm clothing. The temperatures at night can be extreme in hot deserts.


You will increase your chances of surviving if you can carry enough warm clothing. Apart from clothing, you should be prepared to carry personal protection items such as a stun gun.



Signal For Help When Necessary


If you have a satellite phone, then it is essential to signal for help. There are times when you may be faced with an emergency, and you would like to get help from other people.



Some of the ways you can signal for help include lighting and fire, where you will let the smoke escape to the air. The smoke can be seen from a distance, and people will show up to offer help. Other signaling methods you can apply include the use of a pocket mirror.


The pocket mirror will reflect sunlight into the air, making it easy for air rescuers to locate you. Other signals you can use are to lay sticks on a rock to indicate your SOS or HELP.



Finding Water


You can find water in the desert. There are several ways you can go about it. For instance, you should be on the check-out to see vegetation. If you can locate thick vegetation in a desert, you will get high chances to get water in such a location.



Dew on plants and foliage can be collected. If you find rainwater collected in rocks after the storm, you can utilize it for drinking. Locating an oasis in the desert is another proven method you can follow to get the necessary drinking water when in the desert.



Get Prepared To Deal With Wild Animals


In a desert survival situation, there are high chances you will encounter wild animals. Ensure you follow safety protocols as you engage the wild animals. There are high chances the wild animals will attack if you do not keep your distance.



Insects such as scorpions can attack you if you move your fingers too close to them. Always be watchful of where you step to avoid stepping on poisonous animals.



Desert Survival Gear Ideas


There are several items you can carry to a desert survival environment. You should be prepared to carry the right survival gear, and it will be easy to survive in a desert.


People looking forward to surviving in deserts ensure they carry the right survival gear. Your chances of surviving will increase remarkably if you carry the right gear. Here are some of the items you are supposed to carry in your desert survival situation:


Carry a first aid kit
Water purification tablets/Extra Water
Carry a knife or multi-tool
Fire starting kit
Dust mask
Head torch




When a person is looking to go camping they need to be prepared on how to survive in the wilderness if things go bad. Others want to be prepared to survive outdoors in case something tragic were to happen.

Either way, it is good to know outdoor survival and how to set up a camp to increase the chances of survival. These are some prepper ideas on how to survive in the wilderness. These tips can help a person survive for a few weeks in case something happened during their camping trip.

               Finding Water

               While a person can go several weeks without food the body needs water. Dehydration can be dangerous. If a person does not have a water supply they can die within three days. If a person is lucky there will be a stream or a creek around for water.

A person should have an empty container and some water purification tablets with them. While the creek may have fresh water it was not purified.

It can have things that the body is not used to and make a person sick. If there is no source of water around there are some things that a person can do to find water.

               Collect Dew

               People have stepped onto wet grass before in the morning but they have not thought about drinking it. A person should leave a shirt, another piece of clothing, or even some plastic wrap on the ground overnight.

In the morning they can pour the dew into a bottle. There may not be enough dew to satisfy thirst but at least it will give the body some water.

               Drag some Clothes

               If a person is in the woods there is a lot of water to be found. There are plants that will hold water. A person should take a shirt or another piece of cloth and wrap it around their legs as they walk through an area of thick brush.

This will help collect water. They can then ring out the cloth and allow the water to get into the mouth. The cloth should be checked first to make sure there are no bugs or thorns on it. That can be painful.

          Follow the Ants

               If there is a group of ants walking up the side of a tree this may be a good sign. Ants are looking for water too. Watch where the ants are heading. There may be some water hidden in the grooves of the tree. Be careful not to consume the ants with the water.

               Travel Parallel

               If a person happens to be traveling along a mountainside they need to stay parallel to it. There is a reason for this travel.  

Mountains will have a stream running down them. If a person keeps on walking they will run into a stream.


               This may seem difficult but to survive things are not always going to be easy.  If there is a lot of brush around a person should dig. If the plant life is green they are getting the water from somewhere and a person will need to dig to find it.


               A person is going to need shelter for protection. The shelter can protect a person from the weather and even from some animals that are ready to attack. The shelter can provide some warmth at night and some shelter from the fun during the day.

It is important to make a shelter or find a place that can be used as a shelter while it is still daylight. At night it will be difficult to see and there will be more dangers lurking around.

               Fallen Debris

               Downed tree branches and old bushes can be used for shelter. A person will need to make a pile from the larger sticks or branches.

They should be piled up so that they will act as a barrier or a wall. The smaller gaps can be filled in using fallen leaves or branches.

While this may not be ideal this shelter is better than sleeping outdoors with no protection. If a person was going on a camping trip they should still have their tent.

This is an even better shelter. Be careful when looking at caves for shelter. They may already be home to some wild animal.

               Keeping Warm

               While it may be hot outdoors during the day or a person may begin to sweat as they are walking and climbing it is important to stay warm.

Warmth is needed to prevent hypothermia. If the body becomes cold it is going to need more food.  If the shelter was built correctly it will help trap in some body heat. There are some other methods that a person can try to stay warm. An emergency blanket would be ideal.

That is something that should belong in a camping bag.

               Get Dirty

               While this may not be the best solution for heat it will help a person survive. A person can bury themselves in the dirt for the night. Dirt can help trap in some body heat.  In addition to dirt, other debris such as leaves or even pine needs can help trap in the heat.  

               An emergency lighter or matches should have been taken along on the trip. A waterproof lighter would be best. If a person does not have a way to starting a fire they may think they can rub sticks or rocks together to get a fire going.

While this is possible it is unlikely it is going to happen. A person should spend the time covering themselves and conserving some energy.

               Finding Food

               The woods are full of potential items that can provide food. If a person has a way to make fire they can hunt some wild animals.

If a person does not have a way to cook the meat there are still some options. There are wild plants to eat as well as bugs. If a person does not have an emergency ration of food with them eating something will be better than nothing. This is especially true after going hungry for a few days.

               If a person comes upon a plant with fruit or berries they may be tempted to eat this. A person should be very careful when they are looking to eat berries.

They may not know if the berries are toxic or not. As a general rule if the berry is white or red it should be avoided. There is a better chance that it is toxic. The same is true with mushrooms. A person should not pick up a random mushroom and eat it.

There are so many mushrooms but there are some that are not. If a person is an expert in identifying a specific type of mushroom they will need to be careful before they eat it.

               If a person sees some animals eating plants or fruit they should watch them closely. While the animal may have different enzymes in its digestive system there is a good chance that if the animal is eating something that it can be consumed by a human too.

               Keep Sane

               When out in the wild or lost in the woods it can be very frightening. There is danger all around. A person may have read up on survival skills but trying to stay alive is something that can be scary. There are some things to keep in mind to stay sane.

               Stay Calm

               It may be easy to panic but this will not help the situation. A person needs to stay calm, collected, and think logically.

If they are nervous or hyper they can be seen as a threat to the wildlife around them. They will also not be able to think or plan properly. This is important when out in the woods. A person needs to keep their wits about them.


               In an emergency situation, some things need to be examined. If there are injuries they will need to be treated using first aid. An infection can get into the system and disable a person. Then a person should look around at the area and think about what they need.

They will need to find water and build a shelter. While it is important to have food for strength this should be the last thing that a person looks for.

While it will be uncomfortable a person can live several weeks without eating. They need to find water and shelter first and then worry about finding food.

               Find an Escape Plan

               A person needs to look at their surroundings and always have an escape plan. This will help if something happens such as an animal attack and they need to get away quickly.

They should allow the animal to have as much room as they can and go in the other direction when they escape. A person may need to look around before they settle in their shelter to find the best way out if needed.

               Prepare for Uncomfortable Times

               Being out in the wilderness is not going to be comfortable. A person will be thirsty, hungry, tired, and scared to name some emotions. This does not mean that they cannot survive. They need to be prepared for less than ideal situations and conditions.

               Avoid Danger When Possible

               While it is impossible to avoid all danger a person should avoid danger when it is possible to do so. They should not walk on the edge of a mountain or provoke animals. There are some things that they should not eat.

Before heading out on a camping trip even if a person went with others they should tell somewhere where they are going and how long they plan on staying.

They should also work out some details of what to do if they did get lost. This will allow them to be more prepared and decrease the danger even if it just by a little.

               Go Slow

               If a person feels like an animal is going to attack them or if they see another threat the worst thing they can do is panic. This will make the situation must worst. Panic will cloud up their judgment and they will be seen as something that is threatening the animal.

 If there is an angry animal the best thing to do is try to stay calm and slowly back away. A person should never take their eyes off of the animal. When they back away they are creating more distance.

This will show the animal they are not a threat and the animal will have a better chance of going away.

               Gear to Carry

                If a person is going camping there are some essentials they should pack with them. These will make it easier to survive if something were to happen. Everything can be stored in a durable backpack.

               Layers of Clothing

               The nights in the woods can get to be cold. It is important to have clothing. If clothing gets wet or is torn it is a good idea to have some items for backup.

There should be an item that can be used as a base layer for extra warmth. There should be an insulating layer. A person should have an exterior layer such as a jacket. This will provide additional protection from the elements.

             Having A Compass

               While this little device is not commonly used anymore it can be a big help. A person can know what direction they are traveling in. compasses are small and they do not take up a lot of room. Before heading out on the camping trip a person should learn how to use the compass.

While it seems that everyone uses the GPS on their cell phones they may not get service in the woods. Eventually, the phone battery is going to die and it will be no help.

               A Flashlight

               This is a good thing to have. It can help a person look into small spaces and it can be used at night. It is best to bring along some extra batteries since they tend to run out quickly.

               A Multi-Tool

               These little devices are very useful. They often contain several things that a person may need to cut, poke holes, and open things. A pocket knife will also work but this tool has more units that can be helpful.

               Waterproof Matches

               When it gets chilly a person is going to want to start a fire. If they are lucky enough to catch an animal the fire is needed to cool the meat.

A person can also use fire to help boil water to remove any impurities.  A waterproof lighter or matches will be the best option. This way they will work even if they have gotten wet. Some flint can be helpful to start a fire too.


               A tarp is great for making shelter. It will offer an additional layer of protection and will help hold the heat in. if the tarp is brightly colored this will be even better.

If someone were to see the tarp it will tell them that the person in it is lost or in distress.

               First Aid Kit

               There are some small first aid kits that can be put into the backpack. They should contain items such as band aids, something to clean out cuts, and wraps in case a person gets sore or has a larger cut. These little things can make all the difference.

They can help prevent an infection leading to additional illnesses.

               Sun Protection

               When possible bring along something that will offer some protection from the sun. A bottle of sunscreen will be nice. Sunglasses or a hat will also help keep the sun out of the eyes and on the face. If a person were to get sunburn they will feel ill and this will lead to further dehydration.

               Water Purification          

               When heading out into the woods it is important to bring along a bunch of water purification tabs. This will allow a person to turn any source of water they find into drinking water.

Without this, the water from streams may make them sick.

               Do not Overpack

               While these items can be useful in an emergency it is important not to carry too much. If the bag is too heavy this will decrease mobility.

Too many supplies can be hard to lug around and a person may need to stop and rest often. Carrying gallons of water will be very difficult. A water bottle that can be refilled is a more practical option.

               These are some tips to help a person survive in the wild. There are many situations where a person may be in the woods and have little to no supplies. A fun camping trip can go wrong.

These tips will help a person prepare for their trip. It will also help them stay alive until they are able to get help. While some of these tips may not seem ideal they will help a person survive while they are in the woods.